[Borgbackup] Rebuilding missing manifest - how long / Progress missing?

Geek geek at airmail.cc
Wed Apr 25 05:55:04 EDT 2018

After 120 hours the Manifest rebuilding is finished:

Manifest rebuild complete.
6369923 orphaned objects found!

It  still  runs  though  and I have no clue what it does... Rebuilding

The process seems to be idle at the moment... 

>>> It's all running locally. How can I do that?
>> Have a look at the Windows Resource Monitor or if you are running
>> Linux maybe iotop would be the solution to figure out if there is disk
>> activity.

> I am on MacOS. Sorry didn't do a research myself first.
> Started Acitivty Monitor. It says that current borg process already 
> written 1.14 TB of data and saved 27.56 GB...

> If this is true, than it has almost read the entire data 3 times now...
> And what it saves at that volume?

> It seems that it keeps both reading & writing now...

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