[Borgbackup] Rebuilding missing manifest - how long / Progress missing?

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Mon Apr 23 12:21:11 EDT 2018

> I have a borg backup of 394 GB. It seems that due to an administrative 
> failure last 2252 chunks (files) out of 82214 are missing.

You mean segment files, not chunks.

It's likely more chunks as multiple chunks are aggregated into one 
segment file.

> I.e. file index.82214 was rebuilt (renamed) to index.79962 during borg 
> -list execution.

Sounds like a transaction rollback.

> Since the manifest is exactly on that last files - it is missing.
> I am running now the following command:
> $ borg -p -v check --repair backup
> 'check --repair' is an experimental feature that might result in data loss.
> Type 'YES' if you understand this and want to continue: YES
> Starting repository check
> Starting repository index check
> Completed repository check, no problems found. <<< This took around 4 
> hours, progress percentage was reported.
> Starting archive consistency check...
> Enter passphrase for key backup:
> Repository manifest not found!
> Rebuilding missing manifest, this might take some time...
> It's rebuilding ~100 hours as of now. Progress is not reported. Can 
> somebody have an idea how long will it take? 

This depends on a lot of factors. It will read (and authenticate, 
decrypt, decompress) ALL data (chunks) from the repo, looking for stuff 
that looks like an archive and rebuild the manifest with that information.

> As I told the repository check (without errors) was done in 4 hours and 
> progress percentage was reported.

It will also report progress when it starts checking each archive, but 
looks like the manifest rebuild does not show internal progress.

Maybe file a bug, so we look into that missing piece.


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