[Borgbackup] Backup not completing

Daniel Phillips alleyoopster at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 06:04:18 EST 2017


Currently unable to upgrade from as it prevents backups to
existing repos.



On 11/11/17 08:02, Daniel Phillips wrote:
> Downgraded to 1.0.11-1 - backup works.
> Is this a bug or is there something I need to do to be able to use the
> latest version?
> Dan
> On 10/11/17 21:04, Daniel Phillips wrote:
>> A smaller backup seems to stop at "TAM-verified manifest" (waited about
>> 10 mins)
>>  sudo borg create --debug --list --stats --exclude-caches 
>> --exclude-if-present noborgbackup
>> pi at'{hostname}-{now:%Y-%m-%d_%T}' 
>> /etc
>> using builtin fallback logging configuration
>> 35 self tests completed in 0.24 seconds
>> SSH command line: ['ssh', 'pi at', 'borg', 'serve',
>> '--umask=077', '--debug']
>> Remote: using builtin fallback logging configuration
>> TAM-verified manifest
>> Backup to a new test repo on pi works (with a warning about security due
>> to old version of borg on server)
>> Dan
>> On 10/11/17 20:24, Lawrence Holding wrote:
>>> Does a smaller backup from the arch machine work?
>>> And adding the —debug trace opinion?
>>>> On 11/11/2017, at 05:59, Daniel Phillips <alleyoopster at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the reply.
>>>> The memory usage is good (all processes under 600MB) and swap is off on pi.
>>>> I tried running with --list --stats for 2 hours and nothing seems to be
>>>> happening and no feedback in console. The CPU usage for borg is 0% on
>>>> the Pi and on the client.
>>>> I've also noticed the other client is not backing up, but I need to
>>>> investigate that further before suggesting it is the same problem.
>>>> On 10/11/17 15:28, Thomas Waldmann wrote:
>>>>>> I've been running an automated borg job to a local Rasp Pi for each of
>>>>>> my machines. One of them has stopped backing up as in the backup never
>>>>>> seems to complete and there are no error messages.
>>>>> Invoke it manually on the console and use --list to see what it is doing.
>>>>> If this is your first backup after switching the client from 1.0 to 1.1,
>>>>> a longer execution time is expected, see changelog.
>>>>> BTW, your repo is rather big for the limited resources (RAM esp.) of a
>>>>> raspi, keep an eye on memory usage.
>>>>> raspi performance is not great when operating normally and likely gets
>>>>> very bad once it runs out of physical RAM and starts swapping.
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