[Borgbackup] Deduplication and encryption

Gigi Canuto ghs.cnt at gmail.com
Tue Jul 18 09:12:11 EDT 2017

I'm gigi, IT student.
I am interested in using Borg as a backup system, so I am documenting
myself about the features it has.
I am concerned about security and privacy, encryption is a must. Also
because probably I'll need to backup a lot of machines I need deduplication
and (eventually) compression.
I wondered how Borg could handle deduplication and encryption together, so
I asked this
question on superuser.com forum.
Could you please confirm that the answer is correct ?
Can you provide a more detailed explaination of how Borg handles this kind
of situation ?
I know that the documentation already states the encryption is done client
side, but could you confirm it ?
I will for sure test the cited features, but your explainations could help
me a lot.
Have a nice day,

gigi canuto
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