[Borgbackup] a couple of questions

Matej Kovacic matej.kovacic at owca.info
Sat Jul 8 18:21:12 EDT 2017


I just discovered Borg backup and it looks really cool.

Anyway, I have a couple of questions.

But first, about my setup.

I am running Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS and have installed Borg 1.0.7. I am
backuping to a RaspberryPi with Borg 1.0.7 installed. I installed Borg
ARM build from https://borg.bauerj.eu/.

I am running first (full) backup over internet and it is really slow (as

First I did (as normal user):
borg init ssh://pi@backup.rpi/media/backup

borg create --compression zlib,4 ssh://pi@backup.rpi/media/backup::matej
~ --exclude '*.vdi' --exclude ~/Downloads

Since I had to set up passphrase, I understand my backup on RaspberryPi
is encrpyted?

Next question is: what happens if I close my laptop and put it to sleep,
or if I turn it off, and then run "borg create" again?

Does it continue where it has been interrupted or does it start backup
all over again or something else?

Next, what happens if I am using computer while it is backuping? For
instance, I am adding or deleting files?

What if I change a file while it is being backuped? Example of this
would be, if I would be backing up VDI files (VirtualBox disks), which
are large (for instance 20 GB), and while VDI file is being backuped,  I
am using virtual machine and changing the content of VDI file?

What happens if I finish this first backup, but then run the "borg
create" command again? I mean with the same repo name? Does it start the
whole backup again, or will backup be incremental?

Unfortunately, I am not able to see the progress. I have opened the
issue, but cannot find an obvious reason for this behavior:

Are you planning to add some additional switch to show some kind of
progress indicator/status?

As I understand, remote borg "server" acts only as storage? I mean, I
can list the status of my backups, but as I understand, system
administrator cannot see the status of all machines. This could be
useful for organizations, where administrator would be able to see the
status of all backups and get warning for those machines which have too
old backups. This could alert administrator that something is wrong with
those machines. Is it possible that I backup several machines to
RaspberryPi and check the status of those backups with some scripts to
see which backups are OK and which failed?

An my final question - are you planning to develop some GUI? I am more
console guy, but I understand that for most people lack of GUI is a
great obstacle.

I hope my questions are not to annoying, thank you for yur answers in

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