[Borgbackup] Speed issues compared with rsync

Catscrash catscrash at catscrash.de
Fri Apr 14 11:15:44 EDT 2017

> How do I know if it's fast-skipping or not? mtime is not changed, ext4
> should have stable inode numbers. Nevertheless, I'm trying with the
> --ignore-inodes switch now and will let you know
Wow, -- ignore-inode did the trick

Archive fingerprint:
Time (start): Fri, 2017-04-14 17:08:44
Time (end):   Fri, 2017-04-14 17:13:29
Duration: 4 minutes 45.03 seconds
Number of files: 258616
                       Original size      Compressed size   
Deduplicated size
This archive:              335.34 GB            335.34 GB            
30.75 MB
All archives:                1.01 TB              1.01 TB           
304.52 GB

                       Unique chunks         Total chunks
Chunk index:                  311916              1117275
Ende der Sicherung Fri Apr 14 17:13:55 CEST 2017. Dauer: 317 Sekunden

Do you have an idea for a reason for this? I thought ext4 has stable
inodes? Is there a disadvantage to the ignore-inode switch?

best regards

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