[Borgbackup] fuse problem

Maurice Libes maurice.libes at osupytheas.fr
Mon Apr 10 10:31:56 EDT 2017

>>> Somewhat confused, are you backing up to the borg server(LXC vm) or to
>>> the NAS?
>> to the NAS (wich is mounted on the borg server in "rw")
>>> Or are you saying the NAS you are backing up to is mounted on the 
>>> LXC vm?
>> that's it, the NAS is mounted on the LXC vm
>>> Seems we have moved on from a FUSE problem to a permissions problem.
>> yes...
>> It has changed since  I have created the /dev/fuse device by hand (which
>> needs to be recreated every start of the VM)
> That would seem to call for a script.
>> ll /dev/fuse
>> crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 10, 229 Apr  7 15:12 /dev/fuse
>> to my opinion it rather seems to be a "fuse" permission problem in the
>> LXC context
>> even in the LXC forum, that's not very clear
>> [https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/kernel-module-fuse-for-lxc.24855/page-2] 
>> I don't succeed to know if mounting a fuse device in a LXC VM is
>> possible or not
>> maybe due to the LXC capabilities? I don't know
> Could be I don't know as I do not use LXC. I would suggest asking for 
> advice on the forum linked to above.
>>> Can you run other borg commands against the repo, e.g. list or info?
>> absolutely yes
> So Borg works with the exception of mount.

that's not a borg problem, but a fuse problem on a LXC vm, which is 
annoying since one can not acces to the archive from this LXC VM

the workaround is to acces the archive from another computer

but that could be a further point of interest to be able to use the 
whole functionalities of borg on LXC container

so a priori nobody on the list use LXC container... you should try ;-)


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