[Borgbackup] debugging BORG_PASSPHRASE issue

Luc Maisonobe luc at spaceroots.org
Thu Feb 23 06:20:32 EST 2017

Hi all,

I am new to borg, and really happy with what I learn, thanks for the 
great work.

I am having an issue with BORG_PASSPHRASE. If I run a "borg list"
command on the original machine that did run "borg init" and
"borg create", I get a result. If I do the same from the remote
server holding the repository, everything is fine too. If I do
this from a third machine, I get the following error message:

  passphrase supplied in BORG_PASSPHRASE is incorrect

I am *sure* the passphrase is correct. I checked it visually, I
did use copy/paste between the various ssh terminals, I used
keypass to make sure I do not mistype something.

Both the hosts that created the repo and the host on which I
want to view the saved data connect to the server remotely
using ssh. Both use BORG_RSH to specify the ssh key. Of course,
I have also checked the same rsa key is on both machines (I
copied it from one machine to the other, and also compared
checksums). The server is configured as suggested in the
doc with several different restricted paths depending on the
ssh key provided in .ssh/authorized_keys. All machines are
running linux (debian) and borg 1.0.9.

This problem occurs only for one machine. On all other hosts
I backup, I can do this (i.e. checking on one desktop machine
what has been saved by a few servers). Each machine has its
own set of passphrase, ssh key and repository.

I tried to use borg list --info and even --debug to get some
hints about what was going wrong, but got really few information.
Here is what I get:

(lehrin) luc% BORG_REPO="<user>@<server>:<repo>" \
               BORG_RSH="ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_the_key_I_want" \
               BORG_PASSPHRASE="IAmSureThisIsCorrect" \
               borg list --debug
using builtin fallback logging configuration
Remote: using builtin fallback logging configuration
passphrase supplied in BORG_PASSPHRASE is incorrect
(lehrin) luc%

So how could I get more information about what the client
and server try to do?

best regards,

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