[Borgbackup] logging questions

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Fri May 13 08:10:02 EDT 2016

>     --list --stats --verbose --show-rc --filter=AMEds

Looks ok. There's a complete list of status chars in the docs - but if 
you just want to see added/modified/errored files, directories, 
symlinks, that is it.

> Can anyone confirm that I have the right options to see in my nightly log,
 > a list of all files that were actually backed up, the final status,
 > including the return status, so that I can catch a problem and send email
 > notification.

If you use borg create in a script, you can also directly catch the 
return status (for bash it is $? ). --show-rc is primarily to see it 
later / for log analyzers (like in borgweb).

> Also I notice from the docs there is this env variable BORG_LOGGING_CONF,
 > but I couldn’t find any information about how to use it.

Hmm, didn't I link to the python logging module configuration file 
format description? It's an ini-like file and you only need it if you 
have rather special logging needs. By default, we just output the log to 
stderr and log with the level you give on the commandline (--verbose is 
same as --info -> INFO log level).


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