[Borgbackup] conversion from attic to borg

Dan Christensen jdc at uwo.ca
Fri Dec 4 09:08:55 EST 2015

I've been using attic for a while, and am now thinking of switching to
borg.  I saw various issues and pull requests about the "borg upgrade"
command to convert an attic repo, but I couldn't find any documentation
online.  I've now found the output of "borg upgrade -h", which is quite
helpful.  (I've included it below in part to help make it show up in web

Before going ahead with this, I wanted to confirm that it is working and
ask if there are any gotchas I should look out for.

Also, how fast is it, with and without the --inplace option?

If several client machines access the same repo, do I run it for 
each of them, or just one of them?  And presumably it's faster if
I run it directly on the machine storing the repo?



usage: borg-linux64 upgrade [-h] [-v] [--show-rc] [--no-files-cache]
                            [--umask M] [--remote-path PATH] [-n] [-i]

upgrade a repository from a previous version

positional arguments:
  REPOSITORY          path to the repository to be upgraded

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose       verbose output
  --show-rc           show/log the return code (rc)
  --no-files-cache    do not load/update the file metadata cache used to
                      detect unchanged files
  --umask M           set umask to M (local and remote, default: 63)
  --remote-path PATH  set remote path to executable (default: "borg")
  -n, --dry-run       do not change repository
  -i, --inplace       rewrite repository in place, with no chance of going
                      back to older versions of the repository.

upgrade an existing Borg repository. this currently
only support converting an Attic repository, but may
eventually be extended to cover major Borg upgrades as well.

it will change the magic strings in the repository's segments
to match the new Borg magic strings. the keyfiles found in
$ATTIC_KEYS_DIR or ~/.attic/keys/ will also be converted and
copied to $BORG_KEYS_DIR or ~/.borg/keys.

the cache files are converted, from $ATTIC_CACHE_DIR or
~/.cache/attic to $BORG_CACHE_DIR or ~/.cache/borg, but the
cache layout between Borg and Attic changed, so it is possible
the first backup after the conversion takes longer than expected
due to the cache resync.

upgrade should be able to resume if interrupted, although it
will still iterate over all segments. if you want to start
from scratch, use `borg delete` over the copied repository to
make sure the cache files are also removed:

    borg delete borg

unless ``--inplace`` is specified, the upgrade process first
creates a backup copy of the repository, in
REPOSITORY.upgrade-DATETIME, using hardlinks. this takes
longer than in place upgrades, but is much safer and gives
progress information (as opposed to ``cp -al``). once you are
satisfied with the conversion, you can safely destroy the
backup copy.

WARNING: running the upgrade in place will make the current
copy unusable with older version, with no way of going back
to previous versions. this can PERMANENTLY DAMAGE YOUR
magic strings have changed. you have been warned.

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