[PyBel] [afpyro-be] Re: Python meeting during FOSDEM

Ludovic Gasc gmludo at gmail.com
Sun Oct 22 14:55:50 EDT 2017

Hi Pythonistas,

Sorry for the long silent, we are still discussing with FOSDEM organization
to know what we can do or not for 2018.
I have personally discussed a lot with the two main organizers to improve
the situation in the future.

For now, we will have:

   1. A virtual python-devroom: It means we will promote Pythonists to
   propose subjects in all devrooms+main tracks and we will have an
   alternative schedule that we will publish on: https://python-fosdem.org/
   BTW, if you know interesting speakers and you want to contact them,
   don't hesitate to ping me, I will add you in the mailing-list.
   2. A stand: Not yet 100% sure, I still need more volunteers to handle
   it. If you are interested to help us, send me directly an e-mail.
   3. Obviously, the dinner is a very good idea.
   4. Any other idea, like a hackathon.

For me, even if we are sad to not have a physical python-devroom, it's a
very good opportunity to show in a positive way that Python is everywhere
and the resiliency of Python is incredible ;-)

At the same time, for me, it's very important to keep a good relationship
with the FOSDEM organizers, because it's an amazing event, that is unique
in Europe.
To say in another way, if you have good ideas to promote Python during the
FOSDEM, it's very cool, and don't hesitate to contact me to be sure we
don't have overlaps.
Ludovic Gasc (GMLudo)
Lead Developer Architect at ALLOcloud

2017-10-17 17:00 GMT+02:00 Hugo Herter <account+python-belgium@

> Hi Nilo, Pythonistas,
> I would definitely enjoy a traditional Python dinner on Saturday evening,
> and I am ready to help organizing it.
> Would people be interested in a 1 or 2 days hackathon/sprint just
> before/after FOSDEM as well ?
> I see many communities doing it and I am ready to organize that if enough
> people are interested.
> Greetings,
> *H**ugo **H**ERTER*
> hugoherter.com <http://www.hugoherter.com/>
> On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 2:10 PM, Nilo Menezes <pythonnilo at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello Pythonistas,
>> As we won't have a meeting room in FOSDEM.
>> Is it possible to have a meeting during FOSDEM?
>> A room nearby?
>> It would be nice to talk about Python on Saturday or Sunday evening.
>> I don't know Brussels very well, so I can't help finding the place.
>> If you find the place, I can bring 100€ in beers/snacks to help the
>> meeting effort.
>> Best Regards,
>> Nilo Menezes
>> --
>> -------------------
>> Nilo Menezes (@lskbr)
>> https://www.logikraft.be
>> Livro: http://python.nilo.pro.br/
>> Libro: https://www.librodepython.com
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