[Baypiggies] It's my birthday! (also: BayPiggies meeting tonight in person!)

Karen Dalton kd at karend.net
Thu Oct 26 17:01:09 EDT 2023

Hello Python friends!

In order to make my birthday last and last, I am bringing birthday cake 
to tonight's meeting! (yes yes yes... it _was_ technically Saturday but 
I just want to play my "birthday card" thing as long as I possibly can, lol)

Join us at 6:30 pm for our *in person* meeting tonight at Hacker Dojo.

Python: Ensuring DOM Accessibility, and WebAssembly Deterministic Execution*
RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/baypiggies/events/296732583/

(Note: we don't have a food sponsor for tonight so eat your dinner 
early/late...or bring your dinner if you need more than sugar to get by).

See you soon!


p.s. Shout out for more speakers! We are looking for online and 
in-person speakers in the coming months as we will continue to hold both 
kinds of events in the future. November and December are likely to be 
virtual/online meetings. All levels of speakers are welcome and I am 
happy to work with you on your presentation if you are new to giving 
talks and want some help or feedback!
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