[Baypiggies] BayPiggies Meetups, in person, tomorrow March 30 (AI Python Error Feedback) and April 27 (Quix Streams Python library for Kafka)

Karen Dalton kd at karend.net
Wed Mar 29 19:13:14 EDT 2023


We are going to have our first in person event since the pandemic 
started... tomorrow! I hope to see you there!

  * *March 30 (tomorrow!) at 6:30 pm at Hacker Dojo *
      o Main Talk:
          + "Enhancing Interactive Python Error Feedback with OpenAI's

      o Speaker:
          + Kyle Kelley, Chief Architect at Noteable

      o Meetup link for more info:
          + https://www.meetup.com/baypiggies/events/292178782

      o Registration link:
          + https://ti.to/baypiggies/hackerdojo-march-30-baypiggies

      o Food?
          + YES! sponsored by Neo4j

  * * April 27 (next month) **at 6:30 pm at Hacker Dojo

      o Main Talk:
          + "Introducing Quix Streams—a Python-Kafka Library for
            Data-Intensive Workloads"

      o Speaker:
          + Tomas Neubauer, CTO, Quix

      o Meetup/Registration in progress

See you there!

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