[Baypiggies] Python Syntax and Semantics, a Course and a Tour of the Fundamentals

en zyme 40th en.zyme at 40thparallelpython.com
Mon Jun 19 23:11:59 EDT 2023

Hi All

Wanted to let you know about my in-person Python Fundamentals Course, taught in the lovely Tri-Valley of the East Bay. We meet at locations in Dublin and Pleasanton.

Python is known for its readability and easy learning curve. It also has a number of edge cases, plenty of subtlety, and its share of counter-intuitive style. I've taught Python and mathematics at Boston University. No matter how obvious, clear, beautiful, or pythonic a construct is, many of us stumble over it. I'm here to guide you.

This is an extraodinary opportunity. Classes are only five students and are only in person. There are six sessions, which are customized to provide students with a grounding in the Python Data Model, Control structures. Functions, Exceptions, Numpy, Jupyter, and more. The cost is a modest $30/session, $150 for the entire series of six classes. The focus of the course is the language itself and the essential environment. We will be not building apps, or anything useful or pretty, nor will you become an expert in OO, web scraping, or AI. However, you will be able to hold your own in most any conversation about the syntax, and develop a sense of competency in your own knowledge.


This course is NOT accredited by anyone. Your employer is not likely to reimburse you.
You can pay via eventbrite or Zelle.

Feel free to contact me directly at en.zyme at 40thparallelpython.com for questions or individual tutoring.

-en z.
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