[Baypiggies] Zoom bombing / apologies

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Fri Sep 23 00:30:40 EDT 2022

There was an individual who Zoom bombed us tonight for our meeting. I'm usually good at muting stray microphones, kicking bad users (usually before they get disruptive), spotlighting the speakers so their camera shows on the video, etc.

But, whoever was doing this Zoom bomb was able to elude me, unfortunately. They masked their activity as another user (so it was harder to kick them), they were able to get audio when it was disabled, etc. I also was removing the screen annotations as soon as they were being put up -- but, they were able to keep putting them up.

I want to deeply apologize as, at least once, there was something written with a Zoom annotation that wasn't just juvenile but was offensive. We ended the meeting early.

Why don't we use Webinar Format?

Because many of our members originally did not​ like the idea of registering their identity just to attend a meeting as well as signing NDAs when we were in the physical world, I've been trying to respect that as much as possible in the virtual world. Real meetings are also more interactive and engaging.

However, because of this event, we may be forced to require registrations and go back to Webinar format. I have an open ticket with Zoom support (#15460891) for a root cause analysis and security suggestions.

It is always a struggle to strike that real balance between a completely open environment and enforcing good behavior. Some of our original open source systems were high trust and assumed good behavior. Rarely was it wrong.

Kindest Regards,

Glen Jarvis
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