[Baypiggies] BayPiggies this Thursday: Observability, Accessibility

Jeff Fischer jeffrey.fischer at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 10:34:05 EDT 2022

Thursday August 25th 2022 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

We hope you had a relaxing summer! This month, we'll have a talk by Roni
Dover on open source software for observability (system monitoring for
DevOps). We also have a lightning talk about Accessibility by Joel Dodson.

Lightning talk: *Accessibility and Python* by Joel Dodson

I've been in the telecom/communications industry over 25 years as a
developer, technical lead, architect and manager. I lost my sight in 2017
and was thrust into the world of accessibility. My career was focused on
building backend systems. For accessibility now, I'm focused on learning
the frontend. Python was never my primary language, it was always more a
way to "Automate the Boring Stuff." I have fully embraced it now as a blind
developer partly because the screen reader I use (NVDA,
https://www.nvaccess.org/) is written mainly in Python. I also find Python
to be a great way to optimize my workflow.

Main Talk: *Python Observability and OpenTelemetry* by Roni Dover
Main Talk Abstract
Continuous Feedback is a new dev practice, that addresses a gap in the dev
to prod cycle. While a considerable amount of data is collected about the
application and its behavior it prod, very little of that is effectively
put to use when we write code
By using OpenTelemetry, as well as other open-source tools and platforms,
developers can leverage metrics and traces to challenge code assumptions
and develop for real-world requirements in an evidence-based manner,
extending code ownership all the way to production and beyond.
Observability, after all, can be about more than pretty dashboards.
This talk is relevant to any Python Developer or DevOps practitioner
seeking to understand how to use current observability technologies
effectively in a way that can make an impact on the dev process and improve
code quality. We'll explore practical techniques, tools, and practices that
can be combined to create a Continuous Feedback pipeline.

Speaker Bio: Roni Dover
Holistic developer and software builder with a passion for development
processes and methodologies.
Over the past two decades, Roni Dover was focused on incepting, building,
and scaling great products including Torque, an IAC Control Plane, and
CloudShell, a platform for 'as-a-service' provisioning of environments.
Currently building something exciting and new at digma.ai

Please RSVP at https://www.meetup.com/baypiggies/events/287858237/. We will
conduct the meeting via Zoom meeting. When you RSVP "Yes" to this event,
the link to the Zoom meeting will become visible in MeetUp.

*Code of Conduct*
Interactions online have less nuance than in-person interactions. Please be
Open, Considerate and Respectful. Also, please refrain from discussing
topics unrelated to the Python community or the technical content of the
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