[Baypiggies] Reminder: Meeting tonight at 7 - Career options and advice for Pythonistas

Jeff Fischer jeffrey.fischer at gmail.com
Thu May 27 11:12:31 EDT 2021

Tonight, we will have two talks and a panel discussion, all with a
career-oriented theme. The agenda is:

   - Karen Dalton, *Research Software Engineering in Academia: Industry is
   Not the Only Option*
   - Michael Galarnyk, *Building a Data Science Portfolio*
   - Panel discussion, *Career options for Pythonistas*

We will conduct the meeting via Zoom webinar. Please register in advance at

It would also help us get a sense of the attendance if you RSVP on meetup
as well: https://www.meetup.com/BAyPIGgies/events/277595455/.
Research Software Engineering in Academia: Industry is Not the Only Option

Python is used by many organizations, not just large SV companies and
startups. Come hear Karen talk about her experiences in academic research.

Speaker Bio: Karen Dalton

Karen Dalton (@kilodalton <https://twitter.com/kilodalton>) is Principal
Software Engineer at Stanford University and has been a tech lead for a few
large research consortia in the "omics" space (genomics, proteomics,
metabolomics, etc), as an individual contributor and as a engineering
manager (Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortia [MoTrPAC],
Clinical Genome project [ClinGen]). She has also worked in industry. She is
a co-organizer of BayPiggies, and has been a volunteer at PyBay for several
years. She has been a software developer for over 20 years. While every
organization has unique opportunities, academia in particular has a rich
array of rewards and frustrating challenges for software developers but
they need you!
Building a Data Science Portfolio

How do you get a job in data science? Knowing enough statistics, machine
learning, programming, etc to be able to get a job is difficult. While a
resume matters, having a portfolio of public evidence of your data science
skills can do wonders for your job prospects. Even if you have a referral,
the ability to show potential employers what you can do instead of just
telling them you can do something is important.

Speaker Bio: Michael Galarnyk

Michael Galarnyk works in Developer Relations at Anyscale, the company
behind the Ray Project. In his spare time, he teaches Python based Machine
Learning classes through Stanford Continuing Studies and LinkedIn Learning.
You can find him on Twitter (https://twitter.com/GalarnykMichael), Medium (
https://medium.com/@GalarnykMichael), and GitHub (
Panel Discussion

Q&A with the speakers and other BayPiggies members about career options. If
you are using Python in an interesting way in your job, we'd love to have
you join our panel discussion! Just contact the organizers.
Code of Conduct and Recording


Interactions online have less nuance than in-person interactions. Please be
Open, Considerate and Respectful. Also, please refrain from discussing
topics unrelated to the Python community or the technical content of the

Please note that:

   - You are expected to follow our code of conduct.
   - The meeting will be recorded and uploaded to our YouTube Channel at a
   later date.

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