[Baypiggies] This week: Poodle, the Python extension for automated programming

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Mon Dec 16 15:57:35 EST 2019

Our final Bay Area Python Interest Group (BAyPIGgies) is this Thursday. Please update your RSVP here:

RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/BAyPIGgies/events/265152603/


Computer code generation has always been the Holy Grail of computer science and every software developer has at least once wondered if computers will one day be able to write programs themselves. Many believe that we are decades-away from the time when programs may start to outsmart their creators, but today we are arguing that the tipping point is near, and Poodle, the Python extension for automated programming presented in this talk is already bringing exponential productivity benefits to software development. After this talk you will be able to create software with the complexity that you previously thought impossible to build.



Vlad Goloshuk is the Founder at CriticalHop, the startup that uses “impossible automation” to solve IT infrastructure challenges. Vlad is AI evangelist and the author of Mastercard’s blockchain technology to process refunds. He is a former Network Infrastructure consultant at UniCredit Bank, Bank of Ireland, and Irish Government. Former Sr. Network Analyst at MasterCard.

The recent Vlad’s initiatives included applying automated programming in Python to optimize data-driven sales development processes with internally developed open source tool, called Poodle https://github.com/criticalhop/poodle

RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/BAyPIGgies/events/265152603/
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