[Baypiggies] Two courses at UCSC Extension

Ravi Chityala chityala at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 21:53:27 EDT 2019

Hello All,
I will be teaching two 10-week long course at the UCSC extension in Santa

The first course is "Python for programmers". The class is held every
Wednesday from 6:30 - 9:30 pm starting from Apr 17, 2019 to Jun 19, 2019 .
The course will cover the most important aspects of Python and will be very
hands-on with in-class activity and homework.  I will also provide Jupyter
notebook that will contain many examples.  To register for the course,
select section CMPR.X416.(25).

The second course is "Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence with
TensorFlow". The class is held every Monday from 6:30 - 9:30 pm starting
from Apr 15, 2019 to Jun 24, 2019 . The course will cover Tensorflow,
numpy, multilayer perceptron, CNN and RNN and will be very hands-on with in-
class activity and homework.  I will also provide presentations and Jupyter
notebook that will contain many examples.  To register for the course,
select section DBDA.X418.(10).

UCSC Extension Silicon Valley is accredited by various bodies through the
University of California, Santa Cruz. Hence, many employers will reimburse
the cost of the course.

You can email me at chityala at gmail.com if you have any questions.


Ravi Chityala
Essential Education
http://essentialeducation.co <https://goo.gl/gWcXBw>
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