[Baypiggies] South Bay 10 Week Machine Learning/Applications Class $439

Dan Bikle bikle101 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 16:26:44 EST 2017

Hello People,

I invite you to attend my class:

Build Machine Learning Applications with Linux, Python, and Spark

Registration Link:

This class is unique due to its dual nature.

We focus on both Machine Learning technology AND Application Development.

The type of ML-applications we develop are web-applications and REST API

The Web frameworks we study are Ruby on Rails, Flask, and Flask-RESTful.

The Machine Learning technology we study mostly focuses on preparing and
feeding observations of training data to the API layers of popular
ML-frameworks: Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, Keras, Keras-js, Spark MLlib,
R-glm, and Postgres-MADlib.

Often we rely on ML-frameworks to build predictive models and then generate
either predictions or forecasts from newer data.

For the ML APIs we use these languages: Python, JavaScript, Scala, and SQL.

Next we rely on the Web-technology to help the end-user consume and
visualize predictions or forecasts.

The class meets ten times on Saturdays 10am to 2pm.

The winter session starts on Dec 9 and ends Feb 17.

The cost is $439.

Location: Bldg-F, Room F4, Santa Clara Adult Ed. 1840 Benton St. 95050
Which is near Scott Blvd. and El Camino

If you have questions contact me: bikle101:gmail [ Dan Bikle ]
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