[Baypiggies] This month's BayPiggies talk: Special Guest -- Zvezdan Petkovic

Jeff Fischer jeffrey.fischer at gmail.com
Fri Dec 1 17:37:41 EST 2017

*Thursday December 21st  7:00 pm to 9:00 pm*
*Note that this is one week earlier than usual, due to Christmas*
LinkedIn, Unify Meeting Room
950 West Maude Ave, Sunnyale, CA <https://goo.gl/maps/kqCBzwTvMj52>

*Bringing Python 3 to LinkedIn*
Organizations keep finding excuses to stay on Python 2, especially large
companies with a lot of legacy code. Developers in such organizations
either require or could benefit from Python 3 features, such as asyncio or
type checking, but are constrained by their environment. It does not have
to be that way and you can move to Python 3 with careful planning and
agile, incremental execution.

We present the comprehensive case study of enabling Python 3 development in
a large company. The talk covers all the stages of the process. We start
with the initial motivation, goals, and possible solutions. Then, we go
into the specifics of the design for infrastructure changes necessary to
make the migration possible. After, we discuss the execution and the
decision making process for resolving challenges or trade-offs. We talk
about multi-version testing, conditional dependencies, build, continuous
integration, and automation. We describe possible ways to resolve platform,
dependency, and code base issues. In the end, we'll look into the porting
of the specific code patterns and future development.

*Speaker Bio*
Zvezdan currently works at LinkedIn on the Python Foundation Team. He
taught Python at University of Mary Washington and then worked for Zope
Corporation where he led a team that developed one of its most important
products. He also worked on and maintained dozens of packages for the
open-source Zope web framework. These days, he contributes to PyGradle --
the open-source Python build tool developed by his team at LinkedIn.
Zvezdan had presented at international conferences and internal company
tech talks on various topics from microprocessor design to distributed file
systems to troubleshooting Python applications.

Please RSVP on our meetup page:

 - Jeff
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