[Baypiggies] Call to all ASL interpreters | BAyPIGgies needs you

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Sun Apr 9 15:39:35 EDT 2017

We have someone who wants to attend our Bay Area Python Interest
(BAyPIGgies) group but is deaf. In his words:
    "...being a deaf person and not being able to listen (I
    only know American Sign Language) has been a huge barrier for me."

I *strongly* believe in the diversity of our community. I want to be
inclusive to anyone who genuinely has a desire to learn Python and join our

I want to help. But, I can't do this one by myself. Can I get help/guidance
on how to make this happen?  Are there any ASL interpreters on this list by
any chance?  :)  :)

Thanks in advance for your help in keeping this such an awesome community...

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