[Baypiggies] New website for Baypiggies.net

William Deegan bdbaddog at gmail.com
Mon Sep 26 11:48:37 EDT 2016


Yes.. it's finally time to retire the old plone 4 based website.
We've migrated to a pelican based site.

And yes.. You can submit pull requests on the site.


There are instructions in the repo how to work on it.
If you'd like to help clean up any of the book reviews or old meetings
which were "automagically" converted to markdown with varying degrees of
success, such help would be most welcomed!

Glen Jarvis and Jeff Fischer also have commit bits for the repo.

(Webmaster baypiggies.net)
p.s. you can get to the content on the old website at old.baypiggies.net
for the time being)
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