[Baypiggies] Next months talk

Phu Sam psam1304 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 24 14:29:38 EDT 2016

Hi Glen,

I  think the  new address for the next meeting is actually
  580 N. Mary, Sunnyvale  94085

which is a Linked In building, right?



On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 9:56 AM, Glen Jarvis <glen at glenjarvis.com> wrote:

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> Our gracious MC / co-organizer, Jeff Fischer, will be giving our next talk.
> We are still at LinkedIn, but the building is moving
> NOTE: We will be at a NEW location for this talk: 580 Mary, Sunnyvale, CA
> RSVP here:
> https://www.meetup.com/BAyPIGgies/events/228274916/
> Abstract
> Ever want to know what is behind the "Internet of Things" hype? Back in
> Feburary, I wanted to as well, so I embarked on a side project to learn
> more. This talk is the story of my journey, using, of course, my favorite
> programming langauge, Python.
> In this talk, I will take you through my project, a lighting replay
> system. I captured light sensor data (using Micropython and the ESP8266) in
> three rooms of my house. I then analyzed the data using Jupyter notebooks,
> Numpy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn. My goal was to replay realistic light
> usage when my family and I are out of town. After exploring several machine
> learning approaches, I settled on Hidden Markov Models (using Hmmlearn). I
> now have a simple application that runs on my Raspberry Pi and controls
> Phillips Hue lights based on the learned model. Along the way, I played
> around with hardware for the first time since college and co-developed an
> open source data filtering framework, called AntEvents (joint work with
> Rupak Majumdar of the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems).
> Speaker
> Jeff Fischer has held developer, management, and research roles in small
> and large companies. He currently is consulting for a commercial research
> laboratory, advising them on how to spin-off a healthcare IoT project.
> Previously, he was co-founder and VP of Engineering at Quaddra Software, a
> file analytics startup. He has a PhD in Computer Science from UCLA, focused
> on programming languages and software verification. His current technical
> interests include IoT analytics, distributed systems, and programming
> languages.
> Jeff first came across Python in the last century, and liked it much
> better than the alternative he was using at the time (which seemed to
> resemble modem line noise). He has tried to work Python into his projects
> ever since. He is the co-organizer of BayPiggies and looks forward to the
> great talks and the enthusiastic audience at our monthly meetings.
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