[Baypiggies] BAyPIGgies Meeting: REMINDER We're in a NEW location

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Wed Oct 26 23:56:40 EDT 2016

REMINDER: We are no longer in the place that we have been Meeting the past
few years!! I would feel bad if you went to the old location by mistake.

Also, we have LIMITED SEATING this Thursday night.

There are only 60 chairs this meeting. We only found this out the past few
days. I have reached out to the people who RSVPd already (
https://www.meetup.com/BAyPIGgies/events/228274916/) and asked everyone to
update their RSVP if they weren't going.

There were some awesome people who updated their RSVPs so that we can
better plan. I get the feeling that a few people who wanted to come were
being generous and updated their RSVP to "No" to make room for others.
[That's so generous. But, I really only wanted people to keep their RSVP
accurate, not discourage our thoughtful members from coming].

So, here is what I know:

* We have 186 people who RSVPd yes
* Our ratio of RSVP and attendance has been:

Date   | RSVP | Attendance | Ratio
Jan 28 | 298  |     105    |  35 %
Feb 25 | 308  |     140    |  45 %
Mar 24 | 181  |      60    |  33 %
Apr 28 | 187  |     110    |  59 %
May 26 | 136  |      35    |  26 %
Jun 23 | 260  |     115    |  44 %
Jul 21 | 217  |      85    |  39 %
Aug 25 | 374  |     140    |  37 %
Sep 22 | 230  |     150    |  65 %

So, our maximum (with lots of RSVP chasing and a wait list) was 65%. Our
minimum (with I think a traffic Jam and concert problems) was 26%. Median
was 39%.

So, with 186 RSVPs, we should have between 48 and 120 attendees. I think it
will be much closer (or below) our median because of our new space and
because our good RSVP'ers have yielded their spot.

I believe that we will have just enough chairs for this RSVP list. But,
it's hard to predict [And, *this* is why we like everyone to keep their
RSVP up to date ;)]

With that said, I wouldn't be surprised if there were unfilled seats. We
will NOT TURN ANYONE AWAY (unless we get above 200 (fire code) and have to).

So, if you don't mind standing or sitting on the floor, feel free. You may
even be able to get a seat.

PRIORITY SEATING will be given to those who RSVPd Yes.

That's as transparent as I can possibly be -- and all that I know about
seating. I will stand and give my seat to another.




We will be at 580 North Mary Avenue (THIS MEETING ONLY). I will do my best
to help people get to the location. Feel free to email or call (I can send
you my number) if you get lost or stuck. Also, post on the messages here (
https://www.meetup.com/BAyPIGgies/events/228274916/) and the community will
be watching to help you.

Here is an awesome map:



We normally get our meetings recorded by LinkedIn. If we can't get our
normal recording, we can do a screencast and audio recording. We'll do our
best to capture this for you.


You awesome volunteers that have been helping since January of this year.
We may have more cat herding than normal, so I could always use the
assistance. Find me at the meeting if you can help.

Ever want to know what is behind the "Internet of Things" hype? Back in
February, I wanted to as well, so I embarked on a side project to learn
more. This talk is the story of my journey, using, of course, my favorite
programming language, Python.

In this talk, I will take you through my project, a lighting replay system.
I captured light sensor data (using Micropython and the ESP8266) in three
rooms of my house. I then analyzed the data using Jupyter notebooks, Numpy,
Pandas, and Scikit-learn. My goal was to replay realistic light usage when
my family and I are out of town. After exploring several machine learning
approaches, I settled on Hidden Markov Models (using Hmmlearn). I now have
a simple application that runs on my Raspberry Pi and controls Phillips Hue
lights based on the learned model. Along the way, I played around with
hardware for the first time since college and co-developed an open source
data filtering framework, called AntEvents (joint work with Rupak Majumdar
of the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems).

Jeff Fischer has held developer, management, and research roles in small
and large companies. He currently is consulting for a commercial research
laboratory, advising them on how to spin-off a healthcare IoT project.
Previously, he was co-founder and VP of Engineering at Quaddra Software, a
file analytics startup. He has a PhD in Computer Science from UCLA, focused
on programming languages and software verification. His current technical
interests include IoT analytics, distributed systems, and programming

Jeff first came across Python in the last century, and liked it much better
than the alternative he was using at the time (which seemed to resemble
modem line noise). He has tried to work Python into his projects ever
since. He is the co-organizer of BayPiggies and looks forward to the great
talks and the enthusiastic audience at our monthly meetings.
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