[Baypiggies] Thoughts on the commercial talks at BayPiggies meetings?

jim jim at well.com
Fri Mar 18 13:44:07 EDT 2016

     I'm okay with talks by developers working for
commercial Python software in this respect.

     A simple walk through an API is pretty much
     But commercial development groups do some
eye-opening stuff, and having someone explain
cool stuff is cool, For example:
* techniques and tool chains can be inventive
   and helpful
* PyDoc: it's right there and still is badly
   underused. If there's a way to get coders or
   someone connected with the coding team to
   comment properly would be wonderful to know.
   Perhaps re-evaluating the nice lady who knows
   how to spell (the technical writer) could edit
   and therefore enforce proper comments and
   develop copy-and-paste type phrases and maybe
   paragraphs for common classes and functions.
* Python styles and especially reasons for breaking
   the rules.
* Rules of thumb for evaluating licensing.
* A Python-specific use of agile and scrum work.
* QA tricks for detecting circular dependencies
   and other subtle miseries.

On 03/17/2016 07:26 PM, K Richard Pixley wrote:
> I'd prefer to stick with open source offerings.
> I think of these talks as an opportunity for personal development, not
> an opportunity for more advertising.  For advertising, someone should be
> paying for my time.
> If this forum devolves into a purely commercial marketing channel, I'll
> be leaving.
> --rich
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