[Baypiggies] Next Talk: 21-July / Python on the Raspberry PI

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Fri Jun 24 01:02:36 EDT 2016

Note: The meeting for July is a week earlier than normal (third Thursday
instead of fourth). This is to avoid traffic congestion caused by a concert
scheduled for Shoreline Amphitheater on the 28th. Thanks to Peter and
LinkedIn for agreeing to the change.

Please RSVP here so we can track for food and chairs:


Speaker: Peter Farrell

Math instruction is stuck in the 19th Century and it's in dire need of
modernization. Computer programming in Python has the potential to make
math class more relevant, meaningful and engaging.

Programming can not only achieve the goals we've always had for math
students - to be able to think computationally and build algebraic and
geometric tools to solve problems - but it can be used to explore math
topics beyond the reach of traditional methods. Using Python, students can
create fractals, cellular automata and 3D models to help them learn math or
science topics. And it looks cool!

Anybody interested in education, math or Python should attend!

• Algebra and Geometry (15 minutes)
• Calculus (10 minutes)
• Fractals (5 minutes)
• Cellular Automata (5 minutes)
Speaker Bio
Peter Farrell was a math and computer science teacher for 13 years and
collected his projects into the book Hacking Math Class: Exploring Math
Through Computer Programming last year. At the recent PyCon, Guido bought a
copy, saying, "There's a lot of good stuff in here."
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