[Baypiggies] Baypiggies Digest, Vol 123, Issue 54

Sarah Kuchinsky sarah.kuchinsky at gmail.com
Sun Jan 31 21:50:09 EST 2016

Agreed. I used PyVideo extensively while I was learning Python. I’d hate to see it disappear.

What if we had a hackathon? Surely we have enough folks here to make it work. 

The main things I would concentrate on are:

1) Programmer fatigue (I think this is why Will gave up). Posting new videos should require minimal effort on the part of the maintainers. I suggest a process in which those submitting videos either fill out a form or submit a pull request. That way all the maintainer has to do is accept. 

2) Switch search either to Google (I’m lazy) or, if anyone here is willing and capable, elasticsearch. 

3) Make the site static. Not sure why this is important, but Will states in his post that it is. I’m going to believe him.



> Message: 4
> Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2016 07:19:32 -0800
> From: Tony Cappellini <cappy2112 at gmail.com>
> To: Baypiggies <baypiggies at python.org>
> Subject: [Baypiggies] Pyvideo.org is going away this year :(
> Message-ID:
> 	<CABRXM4nVr+SaGjagKNSnjh9nZTYr1bVVX9JHZqqdO-uKUcX=9g at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> http://bluesock.org/~willkg/blog/pyvideo/status_20160115.html
> Pyvideo.org is a very valuable resource, it's really a shame if does go
> offline for good.
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