[Baypiggies] SVP-Meetup ...

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Tue Jan 19 22:16:54 EST 2016

On Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 9:09 AM, Simeon Franklin <simeonf at gmail.com> wrote:

> SF Python Meetup has ~7k members on its mailing list. I'd be glad to also
> send an email announcement to our members alerting them to the situation. I
> know there are many people (like Stephen) who've participated in and
> supported both groups...


For what it is worth, we have been able to get this MeetUp site back:


I'm leaving the non-baypiggies talk there (as it has registrants and it
wouldn't be fair to them to suddenly take it down).

Since the first talk is hosted on the Silicon Valley Python MeetUp site
already, to avoid confusion, I'll wait to get the word out for the
baypiggies MeetUp site until after 28-Jan. Then we can get the word out for
the /BAyPIGgies MeetUp site for the February talk.

Any help that you could give us in whatever capacity and however you think
appropriate would be appreciated.

Kindest Regards,

Glen Jarvis
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