[Baypiggies] Please update baypiggies.net

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Sun Jan 17 15:51:25 EST 2016

I'm sorry for the last minute change. We have another speaker to present.
This is a load off of my mind because, for some strange reason, it's been a
bit busy and it's been hard to find time to write slides for the talk that
I was going to give ;)

David Clark has done an incredible talk that he wants to give. So, I
yielded my spot to him. This is the talk that we will have in January (I'm
working on getting a bio -- so hold on for another update :)


Using Python to Analyze Datacubes in Astronomy

In this talk, I will discuss how I used Python to extract scientific
information from a data cube. I used the astronomical instrument, NIFS
(Near-Infrared Integral Field Spectrometer), on the 8-m Gemini North
telescope in Hawaii to acquire observations of the stunning, hourglass
planetary nebula, HB 12. This instrument spreads light out into a spectrum
over a small region of the sky. The output data is in the form of a data
cube, with sky coordinates along the x and y directions and wavelength
along the z direction. Spectra of planetary nebulae are important for
understanding their structure and composition. I will discuss the Python
scripts I used to analyze these data. Additionally, this talk will also
cover the plotting library APLpy, which can be used to make publication
quality figures.


David Clark
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