[Baypiggies] Message sent to Suresh (baypiggies meetup)

Martin Falatic martin at falatic.com
Thu Jan 14 17:09:14 EST 2016

TL;dr - Heroism? Releasing the meetup group back to us (BayPIGgies) is the
only praiseworthy thing to do.

They didn't know? I find that a little hard to believe. As for heroism,
it's like if Google.com lapsed and someone "heroically" rescued it - and
then proceeded to keep the domain while redirecting it to a different
search engine.

That's not heroism at this point - that's cybersquatting. If I'd noticed
this in time and had any idea this could happen I'd have taken it over and
immediately emailed this list to say "hey, can someone take this so we
have no loss of continuity?" not just go off and do my own thing with it.
I'd expect the vast majority of us would do likewise, but this slipped
right under the radar during the busy holiday season.  "I found your
wallet and decided to do something more useful with the money in it." Feh.

 - Marty

On Thu, January 14, 2016 12:18, Bernd Meyer wrote:
> I contacted Suresh via meetup to get his side of the story. He responded:
> It was to be closed on 31 Dec 2015. I prevented it by becoming the only
>> organizer on 16 Dec 2015. Mission is to make APEs (Advanced Python
>> Experts)
>> out of code monkeys. No Profit or Loss motive. Pricing is basically to
>> curb the irresponsible RSVPs.
> and
> Hi Bernd, I posted the following in discussion on the website.
>> "Hey all, I did not even know of the existence of
>> Baypiggies at python.org.
>> This group was about to die and I rescued it. Instead of being praised
>> for my heroic act, I am accused of being a hijacker. Funny how the world
>> is! Suresh "
> I hope this will be useful in helping frame an appropriate response.
> Bernd
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