[Baypiggies] One package to handle files on AWS, Dropbox, , GoogleDrive , OneDrive etc.

Jason Heimann table.delete at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 14:48:49 EST 2016

I've some limited experience with this library.  While the goal is to 
allow for seamless operation across vendors, the reality is different.  
We've had to implement the library ever-so-slightly-differently for each 
provider we use.  It's not gobs of code, but it's also not plug-and-play.

That being said, libcloud is as good as you're going to get.


On 01/11/2016 09:00 AM, baypiggies-request at python.org wrote:
> Have you come across
> http://libcloud.apache.org
> ? I've never used it but heard some good buzz about it.
> -Marc
> http://marc-abramowitz.com
> Sent from my iPhone 6+

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