[Baypiggies] Mezzanine, anyone?

Rick Kwan kenobi at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 19:25:32 CEST 2015

Hi folks,

I'm wondering if we have well-experienced Mezzanine admins around here.
I've done some Django (back around 1.4), and need to move a site that is
originally in WordPress with custom theme to something else.  (I recently
had to fight web defacement wars.)

To my surprise, our hosting provider provides Phusion Passenger, with the
ability to support Ruby or Python/Django, although there is no official
tech support for these. I was able to bring up rudimentary Django 1.8 in
virtualenv just to confirm it.

Left to my own devices, I'd spend a lot of time figuring out the innards of
Mezzanine and how to tailor it, but I and this project are a bit pressed
for time (and it's a volunteer project). So I'm reaching out this time for
other people's wisdom.

I suspect this should be an off-list discussion as I get into deeper
specifics. Anyone want to steer me in the right direction?  I'm also open
to other Python-based solutions; I suspect someone would want a
requirements statement if they wanted to take me up on that.

And if you like Silicon Valley space technology, that's effectively the
subject matter of the site.

--Rick Kwan
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