[Baypiggies] Next Meetup on June 24

Peggy Li peggyli.224 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 22:08:46 CEST 2015


I am excited to announce our next Bay Area Python Interest Group meetup.
Please join us on Thursday, June 24 for Brett Slatkin's presentation on how
to be more effective with classes in Python.


Defining a natural hierarchy of classes in Python can be challenging.
Features like multiple inheritance, metaclasses, and classmethods can make
such hierarchies significantly more powerful. However, these language
features are complex and easy to use incorrectly. This talk will cover the
best way to put the capabilities of classes to work so you can write Python
programs more effectively.

*About the Speaker:*

Brett Slatkin is the author of *Effective Python* (Addison-Wesley 2015).
He's the engineering lead and co-founder of Google Consumer Surveys. He
formerly worked on Google App Engine, the PubSubHubbub protocol, and
managing Google's server fleet.

Please RSVP at: http://www.meetup.com/BayPIGgies/events/222968582/. We do
plan to record this talk.

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