[Baypiggies] Update - Meetup Friday 12/5 @ 6:30PM - 9:00PM in East Bay, Albany

Richard Gordon richard at yakitome.com
Wed Nov 26 01:18:14 CET 2014

Hi Bay Area Piggies:

Web2py is a powerful, python web development framework that, unlike Ruby 
and Django, do not require learning additional languages other than 
python and the usual suspects: html, css, and javascript. This reduction 
in languages makes for rapid development and prototyping. Web2py has 
received web awards, has a thriving community, is well documented, and I 
vouch for it (for whatever that's worth).

Anyway, I am hosting the original founder of web2py, Massimo Di Pierro 
to meet, greet and presentthe latest info on web2py. There will be two 
other talks:
- Dexter Hadley, Md/PhD from Stanford University Division of Systems 
Medicine Department of Pediatrics on using web2py to crowd source 
disease signatures from open funcitonal genomics data.
- Richard Gordon, MSEE Stanford University and Super YAK at YAKiToMe! on 
building YAKiToMe.com with Web2py.
Both these technical talks will cover some history and experience with 
what works and possibly what could be improved in web2py.

Details follow:

Date:*Friday, December 5*
Time:*6:30PM to 9:00PM*
Location:*1125 Jackson Street, Albany, CA (directly off the Buchanan 
freeway ramp)*
Sponsor:*YAKiToMe.com* (a development-stage web2py-based TTS app)
RSVP:*please RSVP by replying inline to this post at the web2py Google group
Parking: Plentiful free parking is readily available directly in front 
of the meeting room

*Agenda: *We'll have an informal mixer from 6:30PM to 7:00PM, with 
pizza. Then, talks until 9:00PM. PLEASE RSVP!

*Spread The Word*. If you belong to the python user's group in San 
Francisco or elsewhere in the Bay Area or are a member of a Django, 
Drupal, Ruby or other web framework user's group, please help spread the 
word about this meetup. This posting will be the official organizing 
document for the meetup, so post your questions and comments here.

Thanks, and hope to meet a bunch of web2py'ers on December 5!
*Richard Gordon*
Super YAK
/YAKiToMe! <http://www.yakitome.com> Voice of the web.^(TM)/
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