[Baypiggies] Baypiggies Meeting Tonight @LInkedIn - Learning Math and Science Using Python

James Nicholson nicholsonjf at gmail.com
Wed Jan 1 22:15:50 CET 2014

Thanks, Rachel. I'll write you this Monday to follow up about the Ethernet
and doing a dry run on site.


On Tuesday, December 31, 2013, Rachel Sanders wrote:

> Ethernet might be hard to do, but I can certainly check. Remind me early
> next week when I'm back at work? I'm happy to meet up and help you do a dry
> run if you like.
> On Dec 31, 2013, at 3:44 PM, James Nicholson <nicholsonjf at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Glen, thank you for the kind words. It's been my pleasure to be a part of
> the Python/BayPiggies community these past months.
> The idea Glen mentioned is to use Google Hangouts on Air<http://socialmediaweek.org/files/2013/01/Hangouts-On-Air-Guide_v3.pdf>to start broadcasting our monthly talks live. There would be two cameras,
> and the main video feed could toggle back and forth depending on what is
> happening (this is supported with the production controls of Google
> Hangouts on Air).
> Camera #1 would be a screen share from the speakers laptop. This would
> allow viewers to see the slides a lot better than when we have a camera
> pointed at the projector screen.
> Camera #2 would be a video camera or webcam tracking the speaker. If they
> like to talk with there hands or point at things on the projector screen
> (like Alex Martelli <http://youtu.be/GcdcLoEJleI?t=11m30s>) it would be
> nice to capture that.
> Most of the 1hr+ video feed would be dedicated to viewing the presenter's
> screen share, because that's what the content usually revolves around, but
> it would be nice to occasionally cut to the camera trained on the speaker
> so the viewer can see who is talking.
> It would be really exciting to do this for Guido's talk on January 23rd<http://www.meetup.com/silicon-valley-python/events/138635282/>.
> Here's what I'd need to make that happen:
>    1. Two wired ethernet connections in the LinkedIn conference room (one
>    for my laptop and one for Guido's). This is crucial, for the sake of having
>    the highest data transfer rate possible. Google strongly recommends against
>    doing a hangout on air over wifi.
>    2. A dry run of a hangout on air with Guido (preferably at least one
>    week prior) to make sure our laptops have the right software and are ready
>    to broadcast.
> From past emails, I believe Rachel is our contact at LinkedIn. Rachel, do
> you think we could use two ethernet ports in the conference room we'll have
> for our meeting on January 23rd?
> If someone can put me in touch with Guido (and ask him if he is willing to
> participate in this way), I can arrange a time for a dry run.
> Let me know your thoughts and/or suggestions. And thanks to Glen and
> Rajesh for helping to inspire this idea and test it out<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE10T4Vz3Ig>
> .
> Happy new years eve, here's to a cheerful and Pythonic 2014!
> -James
> On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Glen Jarvis <glen at glenjarvis.com> wrote:
> I just want to throw this out there:
> James has been doing an *incredible* job being our videographer. In fact,
> he has some very exciting ideas that would improve the process greatly (and
> they seem very realistic/plausible).
> KUDOS, James!
> Cheers,
> Glen
> On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 7:34 AM, James Nicholson <nicholsonjf at gmail.com>wrote:
> The video from Peter's talk is now up on our YouTube channel, and can be
> found here:
> http://youtu.be/HfvQ6O7Di0g
> -James
> On Thursday, December 19, 2013, John Wegis wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
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