[Baypiggies] Higher quality video of Guido's talk

James Nicholson nicholsonjf at gmail.com
Mon Feb 3 00:11:48 CET 2014

Hi everyone,

Hector Romero (AV tech) at LinkedIn provided me with their high quality
video from Guido's talk. I uploaded it to the BayPiggies YouTube channel
here: http://youtu.be/aurOB4qYuFM

The Hangout On Air <http://nicholsonjf.com/blog/guido-on-tulip> worked very
well for live broadcasting (and will definitely work for filming and live
broadcasting our future speakers). However, the audio and video quality of
LinkedIn's video is much higher so I recommend watching and sharing that

Big thanks to Glen Jarvis for helping to design and produce the HOA, to
Rachel Sanders for letting me onsite a couple days early for a dry run, and
to Hector Romero for filming and providing us a copy of their video.

James Nicholson
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