[Baypiggies] request for opinions re python-web server-database

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Thu Apr 17 17:20:19 CEST 2014

I don't know if I didn't see the other messages or if they came in while I was writing mine (slowly on iPhone will still laying in bed).

But, I read some great recommendations and update my suggestion -- from nginx to gunicorn (great robust but simple solution).

This micro stack recommendation most of us reverberate on seems perfect. The only thing not really considered that may need more thought -- security

We have a LAMP stack. Someone make up a catchy name for micros tack :)


Apache (I prefer nginx)
MySQL (I prefer Postgres)
PHP (I prefer Python)

OS: Linux
Web server: Gunicorn (other variants here)
Framework: flask / bottle (other flavors)
Database: SQLite 
Language: Python (of course)

Is "microstack" very helpful? LGBSP doesn't spell anything cool.

What would the generic (non specific stack) (like the OSI network stack look like/be called)?

Later 5: programming language 
Layer 4: framework 
Layer 3: database
Layer 2: web server
Layer 1: operating system 

OWDFP .. It is kinda sing songy enough to remember. What does your OWDFP stack look like?

Word plays off of LAMP where LAMP is a subset? Torch, bulb, ???

OWDFP it is until someone can come up with something catchier...


> On Apr 17, 2014, at 7:59 AM, Glen Jarvis <glen at glenjarvis.com> wrote:
> Jim,
>   This sounds like a perfect recipe / requirement for the micro frameworks: bottle, flask, etc. I think bottle is a single python file (or used to be).
>    Your database needs sounds perfect for SQLite.
>    All of this would fit on a raspberry pi. 
>   I don't think your requirements even need a web server if you keep your microframework running like a daemon. But, if you wanted one, nginx is super efficient and fast (but not all the huge features if apache).
>   Each of these tools have limitations. But, from an outside point if view with limited knowledge of requirements, they may work just fine for your project. You can always grow it over time -- replace bottle with Django, replace SQLite with Postgres, use nginx front-end, etc. I'd start with these simple tools and see if they are what you need -- they're great places to start even if you don't actually use them.
> Cheers,
> Glen
>> On Apr 12, 2014, at 12:03 PM, jim <jim at systemateka.com> wrote:
>> [rudimentary questions]
>>   I have a client for whom I'm cooking up the following:
>> * on a dedicated computer with no LAN connection
>> * some (hopefully) lean web server with a set of web
>> pages that get data from the user and to a local
>> database and another set of web pages used to get
>> data and format reports, both using javascript to
>> get and present data
>> * some python module(s) that interface between the
>> (lean) web server and the database
>> * some (hopefully simple but bulletproof) database
>> management system, (again, hopefully) not mysql
>> and postgresql is okay though I hope for something
>> simpler. Data is primarily strings and integers. The
>> need could be satisfied with a set of flat files (plain
>> text ASCII) colon-delimited or some such, but I hope
>> not to reinvent too many wheels.
>>   Go opinions on a good, lean web server and a
>> compatible python module and rdbms system?
>>   Or an alternative approach (it'd be fine with me if I
>> can do everything by typing in some Python files, tho'
>> Django is a learning curve that I hope to avoid for
>> this project).
>> Hopefully, with thanks,
>> jim
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