[Baypiggies] request for opinions re python-web server-database

jim jim at well.com
Sat Apr 12 21:38:31 CEST 2014

     Thanks lots. I'll take a look at gunicorn.
     The database could be a set of flat files that store
strings in colon-delimited fields. That option is poor

* I'll have to code data conversion and other functions
   that are common to database management software

* Data should be encrypted so's to require the user to
   use my functions to generate files for USB stick
   transfer (no LAN connex as a point of security).
   -- a flatfile manager for ASCII data would work fine
   -- an rdbms would work, tho' it will be best that
      installation, configuration, connection is easy

On 04/12/2014 12:32 PM, Dylan Reinhold wrote:
> My first thought would be gunicorn webserver with a sqllite backend.
> You can use the sqllite module to work  with the DB in python.
> For the database management system, what are you looking to manage. 
> Sounds like a simple DB setup that would not require a lot of management.
> Regards,
> Dylan
> On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 12:03 PM, jim <jim at systemateka.com 
> <mailto:jim at systemateka.com>> wrote:
>     [rudimentary questions]
>         I have a client for whom I'm cooking up the following:
>     * on a dedicated computer with no LAN connection
>     * some (hopefully) lean web server with a set of web
>       pages that get data from the user and to a local
>       database and another set of web pages used to get
>       data and format reports, both using javascript to
>       get and present data
>     * some python module(s) that interface between the
>       (lean) web server and the database
>     * some (hopefully simple but bulletproof) database
>       management system, (again, hopefully) not mysql
>       and postgresql is okay though I hope for something
>       simpler. Data is primarily strings and integers. The
>       need could be satisfied with a set of flat files (plain
>       text ASCII) colon-delimited or some such, but I hope
>       not to reinvent too many wheels.
>         Go opinions on a good, lean web server and a
>     compatible python module and rdbms system?
>         Or an alternative approach (it'd be fine with me if I
>     can do everything by typing in some Python files, tho'
>     Django is a learning curve that I hope to avoid for
>     this project).
>     Hopefully, with thanks,
>     jim
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