[Baypiggies] Python Standardized Skill Scoring Chart

J. R. Carroll jrcarroll at jrcresearch.net
Wed Apr 17 19:54:01 CEST 2013

I don't know of any python scales per-se, but I have done what is known as
psychometric work (as a psychometrician) for nearly a decade (which
includes conducting job/task analyses, construction of a requirements
blueprint (test blue print), and then systematically outlining these
requirements into testable/observable/quantitative 'bullet points' that
others can then use for hiring decisions or ...

Where am I going with this is that we have TONS of experience on this
listserv (and I'm currently living in Boston and the Boston python group is
huge as well) - I'd advocate about taking a more formal process in this
development by leveraging all of our skills and designing something as a
group/python-cult.  If there is interests in putting together a list of
KSAO's (knowledge skills abilities, and 'other') Im wondering if the PSF
would be interested in somehow using it as well - seeing as there are a
number of python forums that support job networking...

If there is sufficient interest, I'd love to help/volunteer.  Then again,
it might be overkill for what you (and others) are thinking about... but,
fun to consider nonetheless!



J. R. Carroll
Independent Researcher through Hurtz Labs
Research Methods, Test Development, and Statistics
Cell:  (650) 776-6613
Email: jrcarroll at jrcresearch.net
          jrcarroll at hurtzlab.com
          jrc.csus at gmail.com

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 1:42 PM, Ryan Matthew Balfanz <rbalfanz at gmail.com>wrote:

> The only ordered skill chart that comes to mind is:
> http://www.unicyclist.org/cont/levels.cfm :)
> On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 10:29 AM, Glen Jarvis <glen at glenjarvis.com> wrote:
>> Any time I find myself making something up, I think "Who else has done
>> this?"  Does anyone else know of a standardized skill chart for Python. It
>> can be useful to explain someone's skill set.
>> For example, I just interviewed someone that would fall in about a 7
>> below. But, what one person judges as a 7 is not what someone else judges
>> as a 7.  For what it's wroth, I personally am rating myself between an 8
>> and a 9 on this scale...  (yep on writing decorators; yep on concept; nope
>> on really writing meta classes; yep on 'dis' library but nope on many of
>> the internals).
>> And, frankly, that's probably a tad high (for me at least)... So, what's
>> a better rating scale?  Has anyone seen such a thing?
>> 1 - Knows how to install and write "Hello World"
>> 2 - Understands basic data structures: list, dict, tuple, set, etc.
>> 3
>> 4
>> 5 - Understands list comprehensions and why they're useful; Understands
>> generators and how to write one
>> 6 -
>> 7 - Knows basic decorator usages; Why it's useful (DRY); and has at least
>> concept of how to write one
>> 8 - Knows how to write decorators; Knows what Meta Classes are and how to
>> write one
>> 9 - Knows internals of Python such as "dis" library
>> 10 - Guido; Core contributor
>> Cheers,
>> Glen
>> --
>> "Pursue, keep up with, circle round and round your life as a dog does his
>> master's chase. Do what you love. Know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it,
>> unearth it, and gnaw it still."
>> --Henry David Thoreau
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