[Baypiggies] Deploy a Python Project in a Hackternoon.

Dan Bikle dan at bot4.us
Fri Mar 23 23:01:28 CET 2012


I invite you to not 1 but 2 Hackternoons this weekend:


Saturday Hackternoon happens at Hacker Dojo  in Mountain View.
Sunday   Hackternoon happens at Ground Floor in Santa Clara.

The basic idea is for you to create and deploy a Python Project in a

A possible deployment choice is Heroku (which costs $0)


At the very least you could git push some Python up to Github (which costs $0):


If you want to attract another developer to pair program with you on
your Python Project,
you have choices:

- Post a request to this list
- Attend the Meetup and see if anyone wants to pair with you
- Register/Login at Hackternoon.com and describe a project

Of the 2 (two!) projects currently listed on Hackternoon.com,
50% of them are tagged as Python projects; that's AWESOME!

Hackternoon.com is seen planet-wide.

So, if the Meetup yields few Python-Programmers you like,
it's possible you find a Python-Pairer in Pittsburgh.

Or, Paris, Pueblo, or Sao Paulo and then you could use Github-as-a-hub
and parlez over Skype.

-- Dan Bikle

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