[Baypiggies] Pythonistas invited to Sunday Hackternoon at Hacker Dojo Jan 29.

Dan Bikle dan at bot4.us
Tue Jan 24 03:34:20 CET 2012

Hello Bay Piggies,

I invite you to Sunday Hackternoon at Hacker Dojo in Mountain View on
Jan29 at 1pm:


Sunday Hackternoon is for "Hackternooners" to practice paired programming.

The resulting code is usually Open Source so we avoid discussions
about who owns it.

One of our Hackternooners is working on a project to deploy some
Python code on Heroku.

The application will be used to help end-users gain a better standing
of thought patterns in their mind.

I am hopeful this type of project will appeal to one or more Pythonistas.

-- Dan (Hackternooner Founder)

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We use a robot.

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