[Baypiggies] interfacing gdata.spreadsheet.service and oauth2client

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Mon Aug 20 02:45:22 CEST 2012

I give.. I assume I'm going to have to write my own data type library (or
hack the old one) so that I can do oath. If that's incredibly silly and
already done, please someone stop me...


On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 1:19 PM, Glen Jarvis <glen at glenjarvis.com> wrote:

> I'm going to take another stab at this. I have written a program with a
> Google library called 'gdata.' When I wrote the program, it was a fairly
> small project and it was acceptable (although I didn't really like it) to
> put a username and a password in an external file and then read that file
> into the program and authenticate. This is how the gdata library seems to
> work (at least to the best of my knowledge (although I do think they
> support Oauth1 so I may have used that).
> Success brings it's own problems. I want to scale this program up many
> *many* times more than it's running now. Instead of a single gdata query
> running every six minutes or so, it now will run in bursts of 5K at a time.
> Possibly around 6K spread over an hour every hour.
> When seeing what would still work, the automatic program receives a
> "Captcha" assertion. I couldn't find what Google's limits were that caused
> this, but I received it just after a burst of 10 queries.
> Reading Google's online documentation, I need to use Oath2 for all of
> these services. Great! I like this -- especially the API console that's
> available to me (I'm using the Google Drive/Google Spreadsheet API). I have
> successfully used Google's oauth2client client library to authenticate and
> use Oauth2.
> However, my problem is that I can't stick these two libraries together. I
> don't see an easy way (or at least the designed way) to do this. I'm hoping
> that I'm missing something obvious and that I just need to learn how to
> interface with gdata better. It's a time crunch project (aren't they all)
> and so I really hadn't had the time to learn the gdata library well enough.
> Has anyone tried to stick these two libraries together? It seems something
> that I imagine many people are needing to do. Since I don't see a lot of
> Google responses/questions to this, I can only imagine I'm missing
> something painfully obvious and easy.
> So, for my second stab at asking, has anyone encountered this? Or, better
> yet, has anyone interface gdata with oauth2client python libraries?
> Cheers,
> Glen
> On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 5:36 PM, Glen Jarvis <glen at glenjarvis.com> wrote:
>> Has anyone tried to use the gdata.spreadsheet.service with Google's
>> Oauth2?
>> I have a service that I've written that uses gdata.spreadsheet.service.
>> It used to use ProgrammaticLogin. I want to convert this to Oauth2. I
>> thought there would be work already in this area by now. But, I'm not
>> finding it.
>> Has anyone else ran into this?
>> Cheers,
>> Glen
>> --
>> "Pursue, keep up with, circle round and round your life as a dog does his
>> master's chase. Do what you love. Know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it,
>> unearth it, and gnaw it still."
>> --Henry David Thoreau
> --
> "Pursue, keep up with, circle round and round your life as a dog does his
> master's chase. Do what you love. Know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it,
> unearth it, and gnaw it still."
> --Henry David Thoreau


"Pursue, keep up with, circle round and round your life as a dog does his
master's chase. Do what you love. Know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it,
unearth it, and gnaw it still."

--Henry David Thoreau
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