[Baypiggies] django ownership question

akleider at sonic.net akleider at sonic.net
Sun Apr 1 18:25:59 CEST 2012

What is the standard or "best practice" with regard to ownership and
permissions regarding a django framework?
We have set up pathagar (1) (a django application) but are getting some
errors having to do with permissions and haven't been able to sort out
exactly why.

 Currently we have separate users: 'path' for the django files, and
apache2 is running as 'www-data'. We have added user www-data to the path
group and user path to the www-data group (and have set all group
permissions to the same as the owner permissions) but are still getting
permission errors when running one of the command line utilities. The
same command works fine if run as root.

Should all the django framework files be owned by the apache run user?

Any advice would be appreciated.


1. "The Pathagar OPDS Book Server (https://github.com/sayamindu/pathagar)
now runs on the Marvell DreamPlug plug server. This plug server has
Wi-Fi access point and can run on 12 volts DC. Very cool!"
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