[Baypiggies] (off-topic) data wiring contractors?

jim jim at well.com
Fri Jun 24 20:44:19 CEST 2011

    If the job is primarily screwing equipment into racks 
and labelling and pulling cables to switches for local 
groups, Systemateka can do much of the work at $40 per 
    This assumes appliances and standard configuration 
for firewalls, gateways, and network configuration. 
    Simple architecture (usually the case) is between $60 
and $80 per hour. 
    Some specialized jobs such as custom firewalls and 
special network configuration may be billed at $80 per 
hour or more. 

    Without knowing the number of seats and boxes and 
so forth, there's no way to estimate the total cost of 
the job. 

On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 15:38 -0700, David Creemer wrote:
> Hi Folks -- sorry for the mostly off topic post.
> Does anyone have any experience with local data wiring / networking contractors? My startup is looking into new office spaces, and I'm trying to get an idea of the costs associated with running cable, setting up patch-panels, etc. I'd very much appreciate any recommendations and information.
> Thanks!
> -- David
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