[Baypiggies] Hello Bay Piggies, interested in a PyPy talk?

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Wed Jan 26 07:10:56 CET 2011

In a message of Tue, 25 Jan 2011 17:06:14 PST, Dirk Bergstrom writes:
>Hacker Dojo is the South Bay equivalent to Noisebridge:
>It's in Mountain View, about a mile and half from the regular Bay 
>Piggies meeting place.
>        --------------------------------------
>       Dirk Bergstrom           krid at otisbean.com
>              http://otisbean.com/

I do a lot of things at the Gothenburg hackerspace:
http://gbg.hackerspace.se/site/  (site only in Swedish).  It would
be great to have a meeting there.  It would also be great to have
a hands-on type 2 day introduction to PyPy sprint (which I think
is pretty much the same thing as what some of you call a hack-a-thon,
at any rate wikiepedia thinks we probably should merge the topics,
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sprint_%28software_development%29).

Having a place, or better yet 2 places where we could meet with 
people and actually write code with them for a few days would be
really great.  Assuming, of course, there are people on your end
who want to write code with us.  But even if there aren't people,
hacking in your spaces sounds one heck of a lot more fun than hacking
in the hotel room, which is what we would probably be doing otherwise.

Could this sort of thing work?


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