[Baypiggies] how to use priority queue with multiprocessing

Marco Hornung pythonmarco at gmail.com
Thu Jan 13 21:03:39 CET 2011


How can I use a priority queue to schedule jobs within the "multiprocessing pool" module?

my scenario
I want to run several jobs on a server. The jobs are being sent by users. However, all jobs have a different priority, and high-priority jobs should be processed before any low-priority job gets touched.
Currently I just append all incoming jobs to the multiprocessing worker pool as follows:
### initialize worker pool
pool			= PriorityPool(processes=worker_count)
process_handles = []

### distribute function execution over several processes
for job_parameter in job_parameter_list:
	handle = pool.apply_async(process_function, [job_parameter,])

This will only put the jobs in some kind of a list - and execute the jobs in the order they come in. Is it possible to use a priority queue for the process-pool?

Kind Regards,

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