[Baypiggies] PyPy Talk at Yelp with Armin Rigo

Jimmy Retzlaff jimmy at retzlaff.com
Thu Feb 24 07:31:39 CET 2011

I know there was interest on the list about a PyPy talk from Armin Rigo
while he's in town. I don't know where South Bay plans ended up, but there
is a talk at Yelp next Thursday, 3/3/2011 at 6pm for those who want to
venture up to San Francisco. Our building security does require an RSVP by
Wednesday 3/2 at noon. Please fill out the form at:


The San Francisco Python Meetup organizers have been nice enough to help us
set this up as their official meetup for March. You can RSVP on the sfpython
meetup page as well, but please try not to respond to both so we don't
double count you. Yelp will be providing the space as well as food and
drink. So come hang out with a bunch of Python coders from Yelp and hear
Armin talk about PyPy! And while you're here, don't miss your chance to try
out KegMate:


What: PyPy Talk at Yelp with Armin Rigo

When: Thursday, March 3, 2011 6:00 PM

Where: Yelp - 706 Mission Street in San Francisco, close to BART's Powell
and Montgomery stations. The entrance is through the gates to the left of
the Rochester Big & Tall on Mission.

Armin Rigo is a researcher at Heinrich-Heine-Universität in Düsseldorf,
Germany.  His academic interests include Programming Languages and
Implementation Techniques.

He is the lead designer of the PyPy project and one of its original
founders.  He is also the author of Psyco, a hand-coded Just-in-Time
specializing compiler for Python, which can be used transparently with
32-bit x86 versions of CPython.  Since 2003 he has worked on all aspects of
PyPy: its Python interpreter (written in Python), its translation toolchain
(which produces C code), its garbage collectors, and its Tracing
Just-in-Time compiler generator.  Since the end of 2010, the Just in Time
compiler generated by PyPy has outperformed Psyco, while being much more
general and robust.

The PyPy project has recently gathered a lot of attention for its progress
in speeding up the Python language -- it is the fastest, most compatible and
most stable 'alternative´ Python interpreter.  No longer merely a research
curiosity, PyPy is now suitable for production use.  Since 2009, the PyPy
project has received funding from the Eurostars Eureka program, which
targets small European firms which produce research. (See:
http://www.eurostars-eureka.eu/ )

We will discuss what the PyPy project has achieved, with a particular focus
on the past two years' work  in the area of dynamic (Just-in-Time)

* most Python benchmarks run much faster than with CPython or Psyco
* the real-world PyPy compiler toolchain itself (200 KLocs) runs twice as
* already supports 64bit and is in the process of supporting ARM
* full compatibility with CPython (more than Jython/IronPython)
* full (and JIT-ed) ctypes support to call C libraries from Python
* supports Stackless Python (in-progress)
* new "cpyext" layer which integrates existing CPython C extensions
* an experimental super-fast JIT-compilation of calls to C++ libraries

The PyPy project has a blog which may be of interest.  You can read
it at http://morepypy.blogspot.com/ .
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