[Baypiggies] Hello Bay Piggies, interested in a PyPy talk?

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Thu Feb 3 19:13:39 CET 2011

In a message of Thu, 03 Feb 2011 08:46:55 PST, jim writes:
>    one way or another you make a bid for the use 
>of the space. remember you don't have to, you can 
>just show up and hope for the best. 
>    assuming you want to stake a claim, the result 
>should be notice on the noisebridge.net wiki page 
>(the front page in the events section). 
>    bring up the page and edit it yourself or 
>tell someone who's active with noisebridge (e.g. 
>me) the date and number of expected people and 
>nature of the event and ask them to post to the 
>wiki page for you (probably that person will 
>know better than you what resources exist and 
>are free). 
>    lemme know whether you'll post the event or 
>want someone (e.g. me) to do it for you. 

I'd like you to post it.  what it is is a mini sprint.  I
will have text for you by tomorrow.  I'm going to give a
talk about PyPy at yelp on Thursday, and they think that
more than 40 people will come, and I am going to invite
all who wish to, to come over the weekend.  Ditto for Armin's
stanford talk.  So we really don't know whom will show up, but
we can guess, 6-12.

Thank you for all your help,

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