[Baypiggies] Changes to Baypiggies meeting dates for March and April 2012

Tony Cappellini cappy2112 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 19:11:59 CET 2011

Thanks for bringing this to our attention Glen.

What would be the benefit to the group? Where is Survey Monkey located?

Since we've already lost the use of two meeting places since I've been part
of Baypiggies, my opinion is to stay where we are until we loose
that venue. There's always the chance that if we move to any "other
location now",  that company could fall on hard times in a few months and
we would loose that venue, and then be struggling to find another meeting
place. I would not feel comfortable going back to Symantec asking for the
use for the use of their room.

Ultimately, the decision really needs to be made by the group, however, I
see no reason to move the meeting location at this point.
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